Monday, November 5, 2007

Oh Cecilia, you're breaking my heart.

I never shut up, really. I don't know if this blog assignment was a good idea for me. I find myself thinking 'hmm I'll write this in my blog' that's why I'm back right now. Basically I was sitting in my room listening to the sounds of the house and realized that this is the way it would be all of the time had my mother never remarried and added 6 people to our family. It would be me, her, and Marco. I thought about this because the rest of the family is out of town at some wedding. Basically this is the way things are. There really are no 'family' events. I mean he does stuff with his kids and their side of the family and the three of us roll together. But we never have any weddings or grandmas to visit. My mom only has her sister who lives a few minutes away and that's the only family we have in the states. And we never get together with them anyway because my mom and my tia like to act immature every week or so and ignore each other for days on end. Moving on, so Rick is gone and has taken his belongings with him (aka the kids).... just kidding. I thought of all this because this afternoon I came home and no one was here. I was alone for about an hour or two before Marco got home and STILL my mom wasn't home. I knew this was only because Karina and Daniela (the little ones) weren't here for her to look after. I started to think 'is this the way it would always be?' The three of us living together but doing our own thing now that Marco and I are basically all grown up? It would be wonderful really. We're all the same. We enjoy peace and quiet. We're all bothered by too much noise and commotion. But this won't last long. Tomorrow everyone will be back and it'll all be back to normal.

My back hurts a lot. Like the muscle. I need to sit up straight. I should start right now. But I'm too lazy to readjust. I'm so comfortable in the position I'm sitting in I think my feet have fallen asleep.

I should probably wrap this up but I just love to talk and since there's no one to talk to right now I think I'll keep on writing, whatever pops up until I'm done for the night.

Nevermind, I can't think of anything. My idea worked against me.

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