Thursday, November 8, 2007

I'm looking at you Frida.

Frida has been behaving so well today. I remember when she used to drive me crazy. Her presence was the biggest annoyance in my life. Recently she's grown on me. She's my best friend when I'm home alone. We take long naps together. It's nice. When I'm asleep she doesn't snuggle in close with me and make it so I can't move for fear of ruining her sleep. Instead she finds her own spot on the bed, rolls onto her back, and falls asleep - just like a human. It's so entertaining. I envy her so much when I wake up in the morning and get ready to leave to school. I look at her in between the sheets all nice and warm and want to jump back into bed with her. She looks up at me and I tell her, 'I'm looking at you Frida.'

Back to business, school is horrible. I have so much to do and very little time to do it all. Everything is due next week! To make it all worse the store is having it's grand opening Thursday so I'm going to have TONS of hours to work. Basically any and every second I get away from work I'm going to have to be doing my school stuff. But after next week I should be in the clear. Well, until the 27th when I have my mock interview for class.

I've just hit that point in the semester where I'm ready to throw in the towel. It happens to me every year. I'm going full force, really into class, and then BOOM I'm over it. Today I hung out at home for most of the day 'planning' when I would get started on my work rather than just getting started on it. But sometimes I don't care as much because I know that in the end, no matter how tired or stressed I am, I'm going to get my work done and get the good grade. For as many semesters I've had where I slack off and miss a few classes and don't participate as much, I always manage to get by and I have yet to get anything other than an A or B in a class. I see some other students around me who seriously stress out over their schoolwork. It's like it consumes their lives and they see no outlet. Everything is an obstacle and they're basically freaking out every half second. I've never hit that point. At most I bite my nails, eat a bit more than I should, and maybe get a headache. But I quickly get over it, do what needs to be done, and move on. That's me. I can't help it. School, I would say, is fairly easy for me. And I'm sure I'm going to regret writing that one day. Until then...

Aside from school my personal life has been on the up and up. I can't wait to start meeting the new girls I'm going to work with. I've talked to a few and they seem nice. Pete gave me a compliment yesterday and I have no CLUE what he said. Mayra thinks he said I look good, I think he said I was doing real good (in reference to my work). Either way like an idiot, I responded 'I am?' and he gave me a look like I was from another planet. So I just smiled awkwardly and walked away. It's his fault for mumbling.

It would be nice to think he gave me a compliment on my looks because lately I've been feeling disgusting. I need to stop eating. Just stop. Ok not really but I know I'm gaining weight and I feel sluggish and uncomfortable throughout the day. I hate it. Today I actually ate smaller portions and a bit healthier. I only drank water too. By the end of the afternoon I had a migraine and was craving a burger and a large coke. How sad. I know I have a stomach problem. I say that because if I eat a good decent meal and feel full I literally get sick to where I feel like throwing up and then end up with a migraine. But even if I eat less and don't get full I still feel sick still and get a headache. It's strange. I'm going to have to go to the doctor and get checked on that.

It's 8:20. If I was a good student I would take out my books and start doing some homework. Regardless of the fact I have no class tomorrow and have nothing due until next week. But I'm very tired. For the past two days I've had tension headaches and haven't been able to sleep well. Right now I want to curl up in bed and just fall asleep. But I think for once I should fight that urge and do some other work. I have to think about it. Either way I'm sure I'm not going out tomorrow night. I'll be working from 7am to 8pm. So maybe tomorrow night I'll just relax and take my time doing some work. Yes, that sounds like a better idea.

Goodnight and sweet dreams all my loyal fans!

Ha, imagine if I had fans, que padre.

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