Monday, November 5, 2007


Today was my register training at DSW. Very boring. Right off the bat we got into trouble (I guess you could call it that) when we pissed off manager Pete. Basically we were all sitting in a room waiting for him to load something on his laptop and no one was talking. As he was on the computer he was asking us questions I guess just to pass the time. Some time passed and he hadn't asked any questions and then all of a sudden he looks over at the two other managers and asks them what they ate. Of course everyone understood he was talking to them... except for one, Vanessa. The other managers must have misunderstood what he said and thought he was asking them IF they ate and they both said 'yes'. But Vanessa, all alone loud and clear said, 'eggs'. Oh my god I could not stop laughing. I thought it was the funniest thing ever. I mean what the hell? Eggs. Maybe a sandwich or a burger but EGGS?! It was too funny to pass up. And then the fact that she was all alone and he wasn't even talking to her. Ay no, funny funny. So I'm there trying to stifle my laughter like an idiot but the room is really small and there aren't that many people and Pete notices me. So after he's done bsing on his computer he looks over and ask 'what was so funny?' and Vanessa says 'you don't wanna know' and him being all HIGH AND MIGHTY manager calls us out in front of everyone and says 'well that was rude'. OK Pete, get over it. If he knew what happened he would have laughed too. Whatever.

So a good thing is that I already have 30+ hours to work this week! And we get paid every Friday so sooner than not I'll be climbing out of my immense debt. Well immense for my age. I love it. The crappy thing is that it conflicts with my UTPA work schedule, so of course I'll lose out on that. But I'm going to have to fit in time to work at the university whenever I get the chance so that next month when I get paid it's a decent check. Wow I hate getting paid once a month, it just ain't right.

Jose and the boys invited us out to go to the movies with them. Anyway. Don't they know that Los Tuesday Kids only hang out on Tuesdays. Why are they trying to mess this up? OK I'm just joking but really hanging out on Tuesday's at Rico's and Crystal's is just the way it's got to be. It's less... awkward I think. Well with a certain person's deep obsessive love for someone else. I won't mention any names.

So I've got that Akon song running through my head, Lonely. Just because I am. When will I get over it?! Really how come my mind just can't accept it's a bad thing and that I need to let it go. It's that stupid Hollywood movie romance side of me that's holding on to the WHAT IF? I can't stand it. I wish I could erase my memory or go back in time and undo it all. Back to a time when my heart was cold as ice and I never thought anything possible. Oh well, that's all gone now. By the way, I was never in love and have never been. I know I made that whole heart melting part sound like it but I'm just overdoing it for some drama.

It's almost 8, I want to watch I Love New York 2. Yeah, I watch filth on television. Second to that show I love to watch Cheaters. Hmm and I wonder why I'm so messed up. But I've done all my homework like a good girl should and I'm all caught up so I'll indulge a bit. Farewell.

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